Teatime Delicacies caterer with Fresh Fruit and Lodge at Little Seneca

catering washington dc
Seasonal Fresh Fruit Lodge at Little Seneca

Fresh Fruit Arrangement with Seasonal Fruits! It goes without saying during these hot summer days and nights that fresh fruit sooths the savage beast. Teatime staff does an awesome job of displaying our many fruit arrangements.  But why limit these delights to summer only?  We like to serve our fruit displays year round depending upon availability.  The photos here include red and golden watermelon, blue berries, pineapple, cantaloupe and honey dew melon, fresh papaya, blood oranges and strawberries.  We leave the display on a buffet after the meal has been completed so guests can snack on a wedge of fruit throughout the evening.  This is looking so inviting, I think I hear the siren call of leftover mango singing in my refrigerator!