Catering with Red Velvet Cake!!

catering northern virginia , fairfax virginia
Those are some mighty bloody looking utensils!

Red Velvet Cake. This is truly one of the most interesting recipes that exists for a wedding cake. How does it get so red? And what “flavor” is it really? Chocolate? Raspberry?

The traditional Red Velvet Cake is actually made with a hefty dose of red food coloring. For a regular recipe that fills 2, 9″ round pans, it calls for 2 ounces of red food coloring. That translates into FOUR TABLESPOONS! Those little bottles of vanilla extract that you buy at the grocery store? That’s an entire bottle. So that’s one of the key ingredients.
You might think it is is predominantly a chocolate cake, but many recipes only ask for a couple of Tablespoons of cocoa powder. The liquid is buttermilk, and the shortening is often just a Crisco type.
So I have played around, and created a cake that not only has the spectacular color, but tastes fantastic as well. I have doubled the chocolate, added sour cream, and use real butter as the shortening. For the filling in between the layers I use cream cheese frosting, and if it’s a wedding cake, it will be decorated with white butter cream icing. It really is a fun option for a wedding cake!

catering fairfax va
yummy red velvet batter