Technlogy and the Caterer (or Sisyphus at the keyboard)

old fashioned telephone with Teatime Catering

This was my telephone from childhood at our summer place in Bryant Pond, Maine.  It was the last town in the United States to have this type of telephone operating system.  In my lifetime I went from 60-11 (six-Oh ring one one) to an Iphone that can do pretty much everything except actually cook all the food I prepare as a caterer.
As I reflect on how much technology has changed over thirty years of catering with Teatime Delicacies when we first came on the block – there wasn’t even website technology.  I fell into it by accident – bar tending in Northern Virginia and helping out with some pies and cakes at local restaurants.  

catering with Teatime Delicacies, Inc.

 Random requests starting popping up.  Someone who knew someone who knew a senator from Colorado having a birthday and need a cake in the shape of the US Capitol. As in Washing DC. Carrot Cake to be specific.  When they cut the cake they asked the guests if they wanted a piece from the House or Senate. It was even on the local news.  On a TV.
Crazy stuff, with nothing more than a land line to reach me. Was there even email 30 years ago?!

Today Holy Cow.  I am admittedly a techno dinosaur.  Sisyphus, doomed forever to roll uphill a heavy stone only to have it roll back down.    Some days it feels that way..and some days it just feels pretty cool when I get it to work.  Maybe not such a dinosaur after all. 

I have this awesome blog: 
I have this awesome website: 
I have lots of cool photos on Pinterest: jtt[:// 
I have a business page on 
You can even find me now on Instagram as teatimeinc

  Yet the beauty in all this technology is it will never replace the ability to create, cook, feed and serve a great meal.  It can try mightily, but a wedding reception isn’t where to try.

Catering with Teatime Delicacie, Inc.

 There now, can your phone do that?