Just Say NO!! Money Saving Tips for Wedding Planning

wedding catering menu
Buffet Menu for Wedding Reception:  Say Yes!

As a Washington DC caterer, I enjoy talking shop with other wedding vendors from time to time,
asking about trends, bookings, clients, and finding we often have many
similarities in our line of work.  I recently spoke with my friend Celia
Milton, a widely popular celebrant serving the Northern NJ area www.njvowsnow.com on the topic of how many of our brides and grooms are trying to save money on their big day.

Here are Celia’s Top Ten+ Wedding Non-essentials – and a few of my own thrown in for good measure.
“Just Say No!

If you are trying to stay on a tight wedding budget, you can do
away with loads of things that no one will even notice. And you’ll be
just as married at the end.

1. Save the Dates.  Spread the word through word of mouth and save
the printing and postage for those babies.  You’ll also have some
flexibility with your guest list when you actually do start to invite people.
2. Programs.  Unless you have an extremely complicated ceremony,
or a giant bridal party that nobody knows, you don’t need these.  They
will be sitting on the seats when everybody leaves the ceremony space.

3.  Bubbles.  Highly overrated.  No one remember to use them.
(Ruth note:  they make a horrific mess on a wooden dance floor with
people falling all over each other, btw)

4.  Adorable signs that say “here comes the bride” “last chance to run”. or, well, pretty much anything.
5.  Limousines.  If you are having your ceremony and reception at the same place, you absolutely do not need them.
6.  Complex, expensive invitations to the people you want to have in your bridal party.  Just ask them.
7.  Adorable sequined hoodies for your bridal party.  They will
never wear them again.  (Ruth:  Have to admit to never having seen this
in a Washington DC or Northern Virginia area…maybe that is regional?)

8. Champagne for the toast, unless you really love champagne, 
people can toast with whatever they happen to have in their hand at the
time, and most people can tell good champagne from bad champagne.
(Ruth:  this is also something I bring up with my clients at our initial
meeting – with over 30 years of catering under my belt, we have been
witness to much sparkling wine being poured down the drain.  If guests
are already drinking an alcoholic beverage, they may take one sip of the
champagne, then go back to drinking their original drink.  That being
said, if it’s the only glass of alcohol being served during the entire
wedding reception, you can’t pry it out of their hands)

9. Wedding favors of any type.  You are hosting an expensive,
gorgeous party with food, drinks, entertainment and hopefully, an
inspiring ceremony.  That is your present to your guests.  An engraved
bottle opener with your names and wedding date on it will never see the
light of day.  It’ll live in the drawer forever. (Ruth:  admits to a
bias with regards to cookies at end…)

10.  Gift bags for out-of-towners.  See number nine.
11.  Anything personalized: cocktail napkins, matches, pens,
ribbon wands, shot glasses, chocolates bars cake servers, champagne
glasses.  Trust me, no one notices.

12.  Elaborate baskets for the ladies and men’s room.  BONUS!!”  
Great ideas, Celia!

Things that I bring up with folks are the use of clear plastic
disposable glasses for the bar instead of renting hundreds of real
glasses.  If it’s not a priority, by all means do not spend money there.

Keep the bar to wine and beer instead of a full bar.  Or wine and beer with a signature cocktail.  

Catered menus by Teatime Delicacies, Inc.
Catering with Teatime Delicacies, Inc.

Final note:  where to actually SPEND money?  Don’t skimp on the catering food. People come to a wedding reception
expecting to eat.  Thinking you can save money by offering less food
will backfire and makes everyone look bad.  You don’t want to have the
story told about your reception to include tales of having to get take
out on the way home because they were hungry.

Thank you Celia Milton for input in today’s blog post, both of us
have been recipients for the Weddingwire Bride’s Choice Awards for 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.  I have no doubt we will again receive
the award in 2016.  You can read reviews for either us at www.weddingwire.com

Everyone wants to save a few dollars when planning their wedding.  Share with us your best tip!