Hottest Catering Menu Trends for 2016

Grilled Chicken on Wedding Reception Buffet
Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast

For 2016, the National Restaurant Association surveyed nearly 1600 professional chefs, members of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) what the hottest menu trends will be.
As a local caterer in the Washington DC and Northern Virginia community, we are always on the look out for trending food ideas for our wedding reception menus.  This is a fascinating look back.
According to the survey of 10 years of What’s Hot, looking back at the Top 20 Food Trends in 2006:
1. Bite Sized Desserts

mini strawberry shortcake
bite sized strawberry shortcakes

2. Locally grown produce
3.  Organic produce
4. Flatbread
5.  Bottled water
6.  Specialty sandwiches
7.  Asian Appetizers
8.   Espresso/specialty coffee
9.  Whole grain bread
10.  Mediterranean cuisine
11.  Pan-seared items
12.  Fresh Herbs
12.  Latin American cuisine
14.  Exotic mushrooms
15.  Grilled Items

grilled sweet corn and romain lettuce
Grilled Romain Lettuce and Sweet Corn

16.  Salts
17.  Pomegranates
18.  Grass-fed items
19.  Free-range items
20.  Pan-Asian Cuisine

Which Current culinary trend has grown the most over the past 10 years?  According to the survey the top 5 include Local sourcing; Gluten-free Cuisine; Environmentally sustainability; Ethnic cuisines and flavors; Nutrition.  I can personally attest to the gluten free trend, it has exploded in our catering inquiries.  There has been a vast improvement in gluten free options available in the local grocery chains over the past several years.  The food industry benefits as well as clients with celiac disease or just trying to avoid gluten in the diet.

grilled garlic lime chicken on bamboo skewers
gluten free grilled garlic lime chicken on bamboo skewers

 When asked in 2016 to name something that was trendy 10 years ago but isn’t a trend anymore, the chefs gave a wide range of answers from molecular gastronomy and sous vide, to foam and parsley as garnish, to cupcakes and sliders.  The most common answers were all-you-can-eat-buffets and Big Portions, which have mainly yielded trendiness to small plates.

What I have seen so far in Catering By Teatime 2016 inquiries are add ons to the regular catering contract items such as “snacks” near the end of the party.  A recent inquiry suggests mini Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

wedding reception snacks
Grilled Cheese Sandwich “Snack” at wedding reception end

 Hard to argue the perfect ending to a wedding reception:  the catering staff walking around with miniature Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, buttery and cheesy bites.  The ultimate comfort food and memory of an awesome party.