Northern Virginia Caterer

staff of Teatime Delicacies, Inc.
Cheesy girls of Teatime Delicacies, Inc.

It is a fairly dreary Good Friday morning here in Washington DC as I look out the window at a struggling spring landscape.  How many of us wake up and grumble about the weather, the work commute, our co-workers, our laundry list of to do chores around the house?  Stack of unpaid bills, things to be cleaned and picked up, and let’s not forget TAX DAY is around the corner.
When I get sucked into that particular vortex of gloom and doom, the best antidote is to reflect on Gratitude.  

catering at sunset with Teatime Catering
Sunset while catering in Northern Virginia

In Melody Beattie’s book “The Language of Letting Go” she describes gratitude as “sometimes in life, things happen too fast.  We barely solve one problem when two new problems surface.  We’re feeling great in the morning, but we’re submerged in misery by nightfall. Gratitude helps us stop trying to control outcomes. It is the alchemy that turns problems into blessings, and the unexpected into gifts.”
I am one of the lucky and grateful souls who loves what I do for a living.  I have been the owner of a catering company Teatime Delicacies, Inc for 32 years.  I have been told that’s quite a run for a business in the food industry. 
I am blessed to have worked with any number of extraordinary clients, couples, and companies over the years.  I am also filled with gratitude towards the many staff members who have come and gone and stayed. Even the wedding and reception of one of our own, Katie!

staff at wedding reception with Teatime Delicacies
Katie’s Wedding Reception with Cast of Teatime

I have been and still am grateful to work with my son, my sister, and long time crew members.  We laugh, we yell (well that’s mostly me yelling), we run around and take care of our guests even under the craziest of scenarios. I have always said I have the greatest job in the world, I get to throw parties and get paid for it.

So when it’s quiet and there are not a lot of events scheduled, I miss it.  Yet, this is a time for reflection, to spend more time with family and friends, try out some new recipes, figure out what was working last year and what needs improvement.

Washington DC catering ingrediant
Cannot resist this crazy ingredient.  Just love the word.

“Learn the magical lesson that making the most of what we have turns it into more”.  Here is wishing all of you blessings and gratitude over the holiday weekend.