Crazy Culinary Fads

catering a wedding reception
Hard to please everyone…

As a caterer in the Washington DC and Northern Virginia community, we see a LOT of dietary challenges.  Couples are often faced with the question “how do I choose a menu for my wedding reception that will appeal to all my guests?”  So today we will take the light hearted approach to calling out nutty culinary fads.  A humorous tutorial from the March 2016 issue of Bon Appetit magazine
“The Culture Issue:  It’s official – The world’s gone food crazy”

“The Omnibore’s Delimma” 
writer Ben Schott indexes the more irksome fashions afflicting modern culture.  When I cater events, some of these are not so terribly off the mark.

Kosher While Flying.  Non-Jews who request the in-flight kosher option because the food is better.  In prison this is known as K.W.I – Kosher While Incarcerated.

One who is so proud of eating absolutely everything she becomes as dull as those who eat absolutely nothing.

One who simply has to fork a bite of every dish.

(my personal favorite as I see this nearly every catered event…)
One who disdains gluten – not for any medical reason, but because it’s considered to be A Bad Thing In General

Ordering “for the table” dishes only you want to eat
…not to be confused with:
Tactical ordering to obtain a subtle advantage when splitting the check
…similar to 
The financial penalty paid by nondrinkers when splitting the bill with boozehounds.

Serenely declining dessert before taking a spoon to everyone else’s Pavlova.

Bone Brother
One who imagines he/she is the very first person to discover soup.

Deploying incessant banter about food to distract from the fact that you never actually eat anything.

 One whose diet involves substituting fries with salad
…not to be confused with…
One who orders the burger but doesn’t eat the bun.


I hope you enjoyed some of these entries.  The full account is in the March 2016 issue.
I leave you with a photo from the same issue, which will be our next blog post recipe, but for now a tease of something not only gorgeous, tasty, but chock full of gluten, perfect for sharing, something for everyone and flat out Instagram worthy.
Breakfast Waffles from Bon Appetit

  Stay tuned for the recipe in our next blog post!