Confessions from a Kookie Caterer – Catering with Teatime

THIS might be a regular feature. I am surprised I never thought about writing down some of these musings before now.  When you have been a caterer in Washington DC for over 32 years…well…you see and hear a LOT of stuff.  You need to be careful how you describe events; no one wants to recognize themselves in the narrative!

Catering in bad weather with Teatime Delicacies
I’m gorgeous

 Confession:  some of the wedding receptions we have catered have been in dreadful venues/weather/sites.  One had no potable water and you weren’t allowed to dispose of any liquids on site.  Goes without saying there was no kitchen.  At least it was inside…as opposed to the venue that was a massive tent, in March, and the caterer used a “caterer’s kitchen”.  (pause for ROFL moment)  The “kitchen tent” was unheated, near the end of the night it was 38 degrees after the warming ovens were no longer being used.  Did I mention no water here as well?

Confession:  people can ask the strangest questions during the planning stages.
Groom:  “Does the price include spoons?”
Ruth: ” Excuse me?”
Groom:  I am reading the contract, and no where does it say there will be spoons.
Ruth:  (inside voice in thought bubble)  OH SPOONS!  You want SPOONS?  Oh I’m so sorry, spoons with be an additional $8.75 per person.  

Confession:  guests can ask the strangest questions:
Guest 1: ” Where are all the good cheese stores?”
Guest 2: ” Is this the line for the cheese?”
Guest 3: ” I can’t find the cheese.” 
Bride:I hate cheese.”  (why?) ” It sweats.”

catering with Teatime and Cheese Boards
I on the other hand adore all things cheese.

Confession:  The first time my bartender Kim worked with us, at the end of the event she remarked “you have a story after every one of these events don’t you?”.  Of course THAT event was a double wedding with a mother-daughter team, inside wedding reception with a …BAGPIPER.  Don’t get me wrong, I am of Scottish heritage and actually love them, but not INSIDE a small historic venue, especially standing next to you.  Indeed, there are stories… 
Yes, I think this will be an ongoing feature.  I’ve barely scratched the surface of the nutty side of catering. I need to go attend to an update IOS8.3 on my phone.  So I leave you with a non nutty and lovely video of Teatime Delicacies, Inc.