Catering with Teatime in Great Falls VA

wedding cake
Teatime Delicacies, Inc. recently catered a wedding reception at a private residence in Great Falls, Virginia.  On what felt like the first “real” spring day in an eternity, the weather gods co-operated and offered a spectacular precipitation free day in the mid 60’s.  Let’s just start off with dessert:  the above decadent wedding cake:  A three tier design covered in chocolate ganache and chocolate curls with a cascade of flowers and ribbons.  There was not a piece left at the end of the evening, I kid you not. cake crumbs

 Yes, I understand.  Who takes a picture of crumbs? Those are really tasty crumbs, just saying…

The setting was beyond picturesque.  The house, built by the bride’s grandparents, was the perfect setting for a romantic outdoor tented wedding reception.

back yard wedding receptions

 The ceremony took place aside the reflecting pool, where we also set up our bar.

catering by Teatime Delicacies, Inc

 The guest seating under the tent had views from every angle.  Ruth’s menu featured passed appetizers of Gazpacho Shooters; Assorted Bruschetta; and a stationary table station with Baked Brie in Puff Pastry.
We manned our “kitchen” out of the open air space adjacent to the tent:

backyard wedding reception

 The buffet menu featured Ruth’s House Salad of Mixed Greens, Tomato, Scallion, Pecans, Dried Cranberry in a Balsamic Vinaigrette; Peach Chutney Chicken Salad; Bow Tie Pasta with Fresh Dill – Sun Dried Tomato – Feta Cheese and Snow Peas; Fresh Fruit Arrangement; and Carved Steamship Round of Beef.

catering back yard wedding reception

After a winter that has not wanted to let go, gazing out at the stream that banks one side of the property, the view was just stunning – and peaceful.  Guests lingered into the evening as the sun set on this early spring day, flowers starting their explosion of color, and another Northern Virginia Teatime Delicacies, Inc. wedding reception comes to a close. Congratulations to the lucky couple!