Catering at the Smithsonian Castle, Washington DC!

There are probably few more amazing venues than the Smithsonian Castle in the heart of Washington DC.  We were fortunate enough to cater a reception for the George Mason Smithsonian Graduate program this past weekend.   Upon arrival, we couldn’t believe the chairs out front on the Mall.  There had to be thousands, and turns out they were setting up for George Washington University graduation the next day.  Put that castle in the background and it was an other worldly experience.  But then again, that’s before we get inside. 

Our reception of light fare featuring fruits, veggies, cheeses and crackers along with assorted sweets, punch and minted ice tea was set up in the Commons Room, and everywhere you turned there was something to catch your eye.

I mean REALLY, doesn’t every event need a peacock standing guard?

The ceiling alone was breath taking.  Walking through the museum after hours, imagining the filming of Ben Stiller’s “Night at the Museum” was so much fun.  While the majority of the exhibits were covered after hours, the gift show display cases were still available to view, and I found myself longing to buy a pair of “Jackie O” sunglasses!!

Thanks to Gio for his stunning Fruit Display featuring fresh Pineapple slices, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew Melon, Fresh Papaya slices and a scattering of Cherries.
Along with the punch, we served chilled Prosecco – a lovely touch that was very much appreciated by the celebrants.
Sure beats a party room in the local community center!