Catering in Virginia Outdoors!!

Catering in Northern Virginia
And then came the wind…

catering in Northern Virginia, Fairfax VA
And then came the rain…
catering in Northern Virginia
And then came the breathtaking sunset.

Outdoor weddings can be wonderful and full of surprises.  This past Saturday certainly filled the bill. 1/2 hour prior to the ceremony the sky opened up and delivered gusts of 70 mph wind, and lashing rain at a Northern Virginia private home.  Tables under the tent were upended.  The bride and groom decided not to use sidewalls so there was little protection from the driving rain.  Ruth is in middle photo sporting excellent hair.  The guests really rolled with everything, and with the spectacular skyscape in the bottom photo, who could blame them? 
You must keep an open mind when deciding on an outdoor wedding. Washington DC isn’t famous for tornado warnings, but it isn’t exempt either.   This storm literally appeared out of nowhere.  The day before the wedding forecast was 30% chance of showers.  If you don’t think you have the stomach for toughing out rough weather, please consider using an inside venue for a catered event instead.  All the “praying it won’t rain” discussions fly out the window when Mother Nature decides to play.