Catering with the Best Staff Ever

catering Northern Virginia, washington dc, Maryland
Blue Cake Ruth

Bob is getting married on Friday.  My dear friend and former staff person of many years has found his gal, and the knot gets tied in 3 days.  I am honored to be his caterer.  He recently provided me with a heartfelt note detailing his years with Teatime, “You’re the best Ruth.  I couldn’t have made it where I am without you taking a chance on me 8 years ago.  You gave me a chance to excel in something I had no idea I was good at, and it gave me something to focus on while I brought my head back round.  Over the years, I came to rely on your encouragement and love to know that I could, actually, be really good at something and my contributions made a difference.”
So a little trip down Memory Lane, above painting done by Bob and presented to me as a gift, the now infamous Blue Cake.  You were there, you saw the cake, the fireman’s ax, the cookies that tasted like toothpaste (NOT provided by Teatime!!). 

catering Northern Virginia

Things On Sticks!!!  Who knew you would excel at this task?  How many thousands of pounds of Grilled Indonesian Chicken on Bamboo Skewers and Grilled Sesame Flank Steak (above) do you have under your belt?  You were my to go guy on all things O Stick!

catering washington DC, cater Northern VA
Cheese mouse!

Cheese Critters!!!!!!!!!!!  When left to their own devises, I never knew what my crew might do back in the kitchen, especially when it came to cheese boards.  Cheese Mice, made with Strawberries and Blackberry Seeds, seemed destined to turn up when least expected.  That was one of the marvelous things about working with Bob, he made everyone laugh, he was so incredibly easy to work with, and the guests all loved him as well.  Always a gentleman, and guests would frequently comment to me about how great my staff is, especially Bob.

wedding cake washington DC

Bob never failed to take photos at the events we were catering, including the above photo.  He took photos of Teatime cakes, of the food, of the many many venues where we provide our catering.  Within a week, he would email me the photos.  Always an artist first, he would find creative and clever ways to shoot something, giving me a new perspective.

catering washington dc

Who Knew?  Bob turned me on to Super H, and my life has not been the same since. Bob, you rock in every sense of the word.  I wish the two of you the very best in all that you do, know that you are sorely missed by all the Teatime staff.  My door is always open for you, and you are welcome to float on staff any day of the week!

catering washington dc

                              Prioritize my dear friend.  Love Aunt Ruth.