Catering in Washington DC: Summer Salad Daze Revisited!

“Grilled Romain Heart Summer Salad”

Summer Salads with Teatime Delicacies, Inc. is one of my favorite menus to explore.  The most recent adventure featured Grilled Romain Hearts topped with Fresh Sugar and Gold Corn on the Cob, Gorgonzola Cheese and Balsamic Vinaigrette.  Match this with a couple of slices of Buffalo Chicken Pizza, and you have a summer supper that will knock it out of the park.

When I first heard about “grilling lettuce”  I thought it sounded crazy.  I mean, how on earth can you possibly do this and not have it a weeping mess?  But one day for lunch I tried it as a special at a local Austin Grill, and it was simply amazing.  So – I read a little, thought a little, and gave it a try this week.  Simply split a Romain heart, or you could use a large wedge of Iceberg Lettuce as well.  Leave the base intact, this way the leaves don’t separate easily.  Brush the cut side with a little olive oil or even vegetable oil.  Place it cut side down on a hot grill, leave it there for 5-7 minutes, carefully turn it over with tongs, and while the “back” side of it is grilling, sprinkle the grilled sliced side with Gorgonzola, cover the grill so the cheese can soften.  Just before serving drizzle with Balsamic Vinaigrette.  I happen to have some fresh corn on hand and sprinkled it on top, but diced tomatoes would be tasty, or keep it simple with just the cheese.  You could also use Parmesan Cheese if Gorgonzola isn’t one of your favorites.  Personally, I put Gorgonzola on as many food options as possible!  Haven’t figured out an alcoholic option yet, but give me time!

“Southwestern Summer Salad”

The main reason I call these salads “Summer Salads” is because there is generally a component that is grilled/hot.  The above salad is an exception to the grilling part.  It’s my “Southwestern Summer Salad”.  With a bed of any type of lettuce you fancy, top it with your favorite cheese, a cheddar mixture, or a jack combination, fresh corn on the cob cut OFF the cob, toasted corn tortilla strips, and then sautéed chicken breast or tenders coated in a corn meal and chili dusting and pan fried.  At the last minute add an ample spoonful of your favorite guacamole, home made or store bought, whichever is easiest.  If you have some black beans, that would really round it out.  I didn’t have any on hand the night I was making this.

“Best Grilled Summer Salad Ever”

This is Ruth’s Quintessential Summer Salad!  It’s the very first one I put together, and it rocks.  Again, any combination of salad greens you have on hand.  My favorite is a spring mix as the greens are so tender.  Grilled corn on the cob, and when cool enough to handle, cut it off the grill in chunks.  Baby heirloom golden tomatoes in and of themselves are nature’s candy, but don’t stop there – add some dried cranberry for color, otherwise known as craisons.  Of course I had to add Gorgonzola, but you can use any type of cheese you have in your fridge, you just want the cheese in there because once you add the warm grilled chicken, it all sort of melts together in yummy goodness.  You can use any type of vinaigrette you like, I’m of course partial to balsamic, but it really doesn’t matter, and you don’t need very much.  It’s a beautiful summer entrée salad, worthy of a dinner party at home, or celebrating with the caterer and some chilled white wine.
 Hey, it’s got to be 5 o’clock somewhere:  open a bottle of wine and fire up that grill!