Confessions of a Kookie Caterer 2.0

Catering Sesame Flank Steak on Skewers
Proper Use of Bamboo Skewer

Week #2 of Confessions from the Kookie Caterer with Teatime Delicacies Catering.  Above photo is proper usage of bamboo skewers.  We use a LOT of bamboo skewers at our wedding receptions, between the Grilled Sesame Flank Steak or Grilled Garlic Lime Chicken.  Fun presentation, easy to eat standing up, poke the person seated next to you.  Imagine our reaction while busing a table at St. Francis Hall in Washington DC
when we came across this masterpiece.

Stick Art.  Some sort of prehistoric insect with alternating wavy-straight legs and a body suspiciously made of carrot cake.

Guests often provide us with dialogue that leave one scratching one’s head.
Guest:  “Are you, like, a caterer, or something?”
Guest:  “How do you know what you are going to make?”
Guest:  “Like, do you just get up in the morning and open your cupboards and decide?”
Ruth:  “Yes, absolutely, that’s how I do it.”

cutting wedding cake

 Sometimes when we are not looking, a guests assaults a cake.
And speaking of what guests (and pets) can do to a wedding cake:
While setting up outside in a backyard tent I heard a scream from inside the house.  Running inside we find the dog had completely licked off all the frosting on the bottom tier of the wedding cake. Or small child guest. 

wedding cake with Teatime Delicacies Inc
Ruth told to stay in kitchen.

 Catering in the Washington DC area can be stressful.  I leave you with several now infamous dreams of Ruth the Kookie Caterer.
“Where are the spaghetti lights?!”
” Where is all the Kale?”
And one of my all time favorites, the classic dream when there are too many events going on.  I am cooking in a very old kitchen with a walk in fireplace.  Apparently I am catering the Civil War.

Life is short, have a party with Teatime Delicacies

Life is short.  Celebrate with friends and family.  Sounds like it’s time for a party!