Healthy and Delicious Roasted Vegetables for 2016

roasted cauliflower recipe
Photo from

Yesterday it’s carrots, today it’s Cauliflower! ‘Flower Power!
I know, I know, how boring is the lonely cauliflower?  And
there is often that off cabbagey smell to boot.  Yet, roasting
vegetables is another ball game altogether.  When I am not working
officially as The Caterer, I actually create some tasty treats for my own
family. Almost every winter vegetable tasted better roasted:  squash,
broccoli, turnips, potatoes – white OR sweet, carrots, and now
cauliflower.  It’s a mouth watering combination of caramelized florets
and just this side of burnt onions that will leave you mumbling “um, why
didn’t anyone ever tell me you could do THIS?” Adding a handful of
grated Parmesan just before it’s done, and the dish  travels to a sweet
nutty place.  You can serve it as a side dish, or just eat the entire
pan by yourself.  I certainly advocate the hogging of all things yummy.
And I don’t  have to cater at a wedding reception in the great Washington DC metropolitan area to enjoy.   It can be right in my
own kitchen.
Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
I head cauliflower
1 sliced medium onion
4 thyme sprigs
4 unpeeled garlic cloves
3 TB olive oil
Kosher Salt and  Freshly Ground Pepper
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
Preheat oven to 425.  Cut cauliflower into florets; toss on a
large rimmed baking sheet with the sliced onion, thyme sprigs, and
unpeeled garlic cloves.  Add 3 TB olive oil, season with salt and pepper
.  Roast, tossing occasionally, until almost tender, 35-40 minutes. 
Sprinkle with 1/2 cup grated Parmesan, toss to combine, and roast until
cauliflower is tender, 10-12 minutes longer.  Bon Appetite magazine says 4
servings.  HAHAHAHAHA.    Good luck with that.
The garlic roasted in the peel is a real discovery.  It
becomes as creamy as butter, with a very mild flavor.  You can roast
whole garlic heads this way, and spread the softened cloves on
bruschetta toasts for another awesome appetizer.

Here’s a photo from when I basically threw in the kitchen
sink using same recipe as above, but adding broccoli an carrots into the
mix.  Yum factor still intact.

This comes from a girl who grew up in a family with a mom
who cooked vegetables so long you didn’t need a set of teeth.  Sorry Mom, busted.

 And if you want to really get craaaaazy, how about Purple Cauliflower? Catering introduces me to a world of amazing food options.