Crazy Weather Weddings

Let It Snow in our nation’s Capitol

It’s official.  Snowmageddon 2016 is bearing down in the Washington DC and Northern Virginia suburbs.  As a caterer originally from northern Maine, every time this threatens to happen, I shrug.  Ok, what’s good to eat then?  Might as well find the silver lining of being home bound for a few days (and more days…).  If you were cold and a blizzard arrived, what would be some of your first ideas..
Cup of Hot Chocolate!

 Few things as simple as a cup of hot chocolate with a generous blop of whipped cream.  Sprinkle with additional milk chocolate or tiny marshmallows. Don’t skimp on the calories, make this bad boy with half and half.  You deserve it.
Hot Apple Cider (with rum)

 Hot Apple Cider not only tastes delicious, it fills the kitchen with sweet aromas.  Let the kids enjoy a cup, and add an adult touch with spiced rum.  Soon it will not be quite so cold.

Where Did I Park The Car….

 This is the perfect time to indulge in all things comfort food.  Think:  slow cookers filled with stews and soups; mac and cheese; pretty much anything with bacon.  (Note to self:  make sure you have back up bacon).  Few people are going to put up a fight when presented with the ultimate comfort food – Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. So simple and everyone has bread-cheese-butter waiting in the kitchen.  Go totally retro and pair with Campbell’s Tomato Soup.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich

 The trick to any of this is the ability and opportunity to plan ahead.  This time the local weather peeps have given us Washingtonians a great head start.  As the 15 people deep lines at our local Giant Foods will attest:  we are bulking up as if we might not see daylight until March. Why buy 2 loaves of bread when 12 might be safer.  Bread, milk, toilet paper.  Is there a recipe for that?
Creamy Carrot and Coconut Soup

 Don’ forget your sweet tooth.  Being the Catering By Teatime caterer, there is ALWAYS an array of desserts stashed in the freezer begging to be thawed.  (Full disclosure – I don’t need a dessert to thaw.  I will eat frozen solid cookies when necessary).
Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce

 As a matter of fact, we catered a wedding reception recently where one of the desserts on the dessert buffet included New York Style Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce in bite sized portions.  While chilled cheesecake is the gold standard, I have discovered cheesecake freshly baked and still warm to be wildly indulgent.  And I do recall that there are three pans of this in my freezer as I type.  I think that would be the Sweet Stuff Siren calling out my name…
Stay warm my friends and eat well!