Catering By Teatime – Virginia Same Sex Wedding Reception

Menu catered by Teatime Delicacies, Inc.

It was such an honor to be part of the wedding reception for our very first Virginia Same Sex Wedding this past November 2014.  I have been a caterer for over 30 years here in the Northern Virginia suburb of Washington DC.  I have seen a LOT of weddings during that time.  I love working with young, middle aged, senior couples.  I love the second weddings – when priorities have shifted.  I love seeing the blending of families, old and new.  
With Brian and Corey, it was a different story.  They have been together for 13 years as a committed couple.  And finally Virginia got on board in recognizing same sex marriage as legal.  This couple didn’t want to wait, they wanted the first available opening at their church, Ravensworth Baptist in Annandale VA.    We we put it together fast, and it was magical.

They kept the menu simple as we had a very full house that day.  The church has a lovely fellowship hall with a gas fireplace on one side.  This was a very cool November Saturday, probably 30 degrees lower than normal temperatures, so the fireplace was a great perk!  We served our Tea Menu, which is basically a utensil free menu that works very well in a scenario where there is limited table seating.  The above photo shows the Fresh Fruit Arrangement, our Assorted Domestic and Imported Cheeses with Crackers, and an assortment of sweets to include:  Russian Teacakes (otherwise known as Mexican Wedding Cakes) – Apple Bavarian Torte  – Brownie Fudge Bites –  Miniature Lemon Curd Tarts.

Teatime Delicacies Catering Finger Sandwich menu
Tea Menu Buffet with Teatime Delicacies

 Being a tea menu, we offer a selection of finger and tea sandwiches with a variety of breads and fillings.  Featured in the above photo are Chutney Chicken Salad on Potato Bread; Smoked Turkey on Wheat Bread; Cucumber and Butter on White.  And rounding everything out is the classic Cream Scone with Dried Cranberry, served with Raspberry Preserves.

Church menu catered by Teatime Delicacies

 Guests were able to mingle in the adjoining lobby where Teatime served a Citrus Fruit Punch along with Assorted Herbal and Regular Teas.
The highlight of the wedding reception was certainly the wedding cake.  Brian and Corey wanted something that reflected their sense of style, but with a masculine slant.  I knew exactly the cake:

Catering provided by Teatime Delicacies, Inc.
Chocolate All The Way with Teatime Delicacies

 This cake just knocks it out of the park!!!  Three tiers, square and asymmetrically stacked, top and bottom tiers are Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Filling, middle tier Yellow Butter with Strawberry Filling.  The entire cake covered in Chocolate Ganache and individually hand crafted Chocolate Curls.  It was just breathtaking, let alone it smelled divine!
I will always have a special place in my heart for this couple and being able to be part of something so significant.  I hope this is just the beginning of many more.  Best wishes to the happy happy couple.